Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hello and welcome

Hello there and welcome. This is my first blog ever, so it probably will take some time to set up. 

The main idea behind starting this type of activity (yeah, sitting in front of computer typing nonsences is an activity as well) was...well not so altruistic but rather somewhat selfish - to learn english, get somewhat famous and of course to get better self-awareness. Driving a blog is a good plan if you want to familiarize yourself with subject you describe in it. To be honest it was a long time I wanted to create some page like this but as usual didn't have time to start. I bet you know this kind of feeling. When something comes up to your mind, you're full of enthusiasm about your brilliant idea, you even start planning realization of it. But then, few days later the idea vapors out of your most brilliant head just to settle in someone's else chatbox I guess (lets hope that guy can make it up for you). So don't forget to act. The mere idea isn't enough; the action is what it makes material and thus useful.

Oh and by the way...this blog is going to be a fuse of programming techniques and mind works. I'm going to describe my thoughts about and experiences with computer programs I write, frameworks I use, in other words useful stuff. Plus I'm going to dig into methodology behind being a good programmer, a good team leader, a good manager and so on (in other words you'll find information on things that make up a bad system into a good one - humans and their interaction with world and each other).

The muse to start this blog that inspired me was an impressive piece of pragmatic library - Refactor your wetware. In this book, the author Andy Hunt is explaining how all-way-out-logical-thinking does cripple your abilities to program a good system. The main idea behind this book is to make you realize that your brain isn't just a linear system that process information the typical computer device you're reading this text from but rather is a complicated symbiosis of two great "CPUs" - one is responsible for logical way of thinking and another one is your search engine, that drives your intuition and stores virtually everything you experience. Yes, even things you don't even you remember your teeth brushing this morning? You do that every day and the logical part of your brain isn't very excited with a perspective to analyse what happens. But the thing is that this information still gets into your head without you realizing it. It sits there till your intuition needs some particular knowledge and scans through everything that's in your mind pot. 

I'll cover this book in more detail later, it's really worth it. Just try it and you'll see.