public class Cat
private IList _kittens = null;
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList Kittens
if (_kittens == null)
_kittens = CatRepository.GetKittensFor(this);
return _kittens;
public class CatRepository
public static IList GetKittensFor(Cat cat)
IList kittens = new List();
//Load kittens from DB for cat and return them
return kittens;
This however leads to a problem. Now your domain object knows about persistance class CatRepository which in turn leads to Cat class being database dependent. That hurts your testing capabilities as you cannot call any test which involves Cat class a real Unit test as it becomes slow.
One of the solutions would be to inject CatRepository into Cat class using interfaces. Code would look this way:
public class Cat
private IList _kittens = null;
private ICatRepository _catRepository;
public void SetCatRepository(ICatRepository repository)
_catRepository = repository;
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList Kittens
if (_kittens == null)
_kittens = _catRepository.GetKittensFor(this);
return _kittens;
public interface ICatRepository
IList GetKittensFor(Cat cat);
public class CatRepository : ICatRepository
public IList GetKittensFor(Cat cat)
IList kittens = new List();
//Load kittens from DB for cat and return them
return kittens;
Note that CatRepository's method GetKittensFor isn't static anymore as a real instance of cat repository is used. Method SetCatRepository in Cat class allows you to inject any object into Cat object which is able to handle loading kittens from db. Thus you can use mock object in your unit tests to tear links to DB (other ways to inject CatRepository would be injecting in constructor, injecting in method getting kittens or using some IOC framework like Spring.NET to do it for you).
With dependency injection you still dont have clear POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) implementation of Cat class. POCO class doesn't have any knowledge on how it is saved, is it saved at all, neither do its children collections. POCO classes just have a number of properties and methods to manipulate it's state and send commands to other objects it knows about. This greatly simplifies the implementation of business logic in domain objects model.
Castle DynamicProxy allows you to implement lazy loading with object not even knowing any details of implementation. To do that you must define properties you are interested in as virtual so they can be be overridden by Castle framework. Lets make Cat a POCO class:
public class Cat
private IList _kittens = new List();
public Cat(string name)
Name = name;
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList Kittens
return _kittens;
Ok, that works fine with newly created Cat objects. However we cannot fill Kittens collection from our repository class unless we are working with class derived from Cat class.
Lets write GetCatById method of CatRepository which will return proxy of our Cat class so we can play with it further:
public Cat GetCatById(int id)
var catName = "cat name from db";
//Read catName from DataBase
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
var catProxy = (Cat)proxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(Cat), null, catName);
return catProxy;
Lets see what's going on. We read catName from DB, emulating it with Thread.Sleep(1000). After that we are creating an instance of Castle's ProxyGenerator. To create a proxy of Cat class method CreateClassProxy is used which in our case takes 3 arguments: the type of class to be created, interceptors which we will use to implement lazy loading and finally params object[] with constructor arguments which is a catName in this case.
To check that this method is working correctly lets write some tests:
public void CatRepository_can_get_cat_object_and_its_not_instance_of_cat_class()
Cat cat = new CatRepository().GetCatById(10);
Assert.That(cat.GetType(), Is.Not.EqualTo(typeof(Cat)));
public void CatRepository_can_get_cat_object_and_its_name_property_is_set_correctly()
Cat cat = new CatRepository().GetCatById(10);
Assert.That(cat.Name, Is.EqualTo("cat name from db"));
First test indicated that we are actually getting proxy, not Cat instance. Second one assures that Name property was correctly initialized from constructor.
Now lets proceed with intercepting getter of kittens to do lazy loading. CreateClassProxy accepts array of objects implementing IInterceptor interface. Interface consists of one method Intercept(IInvocation invocation). This method intercepts all calls to any virtual method or property. Param invocation has info on method being called so you can filter out calls you are actually interested in:
public class CatLoaderInterceptor:IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (invocation.Method.Name == "get_Kittens")
Console.WriteLine("Get kittens was called!");
var cat = (Cat) invocation.Proxy;
var kittens = new CatRepository().GetKittensFor(cat);
invocation.ReturnValue = kittens;
We check that method that we intercepted is a getter for property Kittens. Then we load kittens from repository and return them as invocations result. So any time Kittens property is called we dig into database to fetch kittens out of it. Console.WriteLine helps to figure out when and how many times interceptor is being called in case you're using TestDriven.NET, Resharper test runner or such.
Now all we need to do is to attach interceptor to our proxy by passing it in CreateClassProxy call, so our GetCatById would look like this:
public Cat GetCatById(int id)
var catName = "cat name from db";
//Read catName from DataBase
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
var catProxy = (Cat)proxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(Cat),new IInterceptor[]{ new CatLoaderInterceptor()}, catName);
return catProxy;
By changing GetKittensFor method we can test it abit:
public IList GetKittensFor(Cat cat)
IList kittens = new List() {new Cat("kitty")};
//Load kittens from DB for cat and return them
return kittens;
public void CatLoaderInterceptor_correctly_intercepts_get_Kittens_method_call_and_proper_kitten_is_returned()
Cat cat = new CatRepository().GetCatById(10);
Assert.That(cat.Kittens[0].Name, Is.EqualTo("kitty"));
Ok, so lets have an overview what's happening. We get a proxy of Cat object out of repository. Then any time we get its kittens we get a 10 seconds hang up while reading them from db. So we should to ensure that kittens are initialized only once. Lets write a test to prove it works:
public void CatLoaderInterceptor_initializes_kittens_only_once()
Cat cat = new CatRepository().GetCatById(10);
cat.Kittens.Add(new Cat("Missy"));
Assert.That(cat.Kittens.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
At the moment in this test interceptor reads Kittens collection from database two times and assertion doesn't pass so the test fails.
We need some kind of flag to indicate if Kittens were already loaded for this object. Lets implement that flag in interceptor we're passing to proxy:
public class CatLoaderInterceptor : IInterceptor
private bool AreKittensLoaded { get; set; }
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (invocation.Method.Name == "get_Kittens")
Console.WriteLine("Get kittens was called!");
if (!AreKittensLoaded)
var cat = (Cat)invocation.Proxy;
var kittens = new CatRepository().GetKittensFor(cat);
AreKittensLoaded = true;
cat.Kittens = kittens;
Now when we are reading Kittens from DB for first time we do a couple of things. First we set flag that collection was loaded, second we init kittens collection of Cat class. Then we call invocation.Proceed() which just passes control to object being called in our case object of type Cat.
Note that this requires Cat class to expose set method for its Kittens collection, alternately you may as well just add kittens to existing empty collection.
Another test to prove that we got desired behaviour will test than second invocation of kittens ends up in less than one second will look like this:
public void CatLoaderInterceptor_reads_kittens_collection_second_time_for_less_than_a_second()
Cat cat = new CatRepository().GetCatById(10);
var readingKittens = cat.Kittens;
var beforeReadingKittens2ndTime = DateTime.Now;
var readingKittensAgain = cat.Kittens;
var afterReadingKittens2ndTime = DateTime.Now;
var timeToReadKittens2ndTime = afterReadingKittens2ndTime.Subtract(beforeReadingKittens2ndTime);
var oneSecondTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);
Assert.That(timeToReadKittens2ndTime, Is.LessThan(oneSecondTimeSpan));
Alright, now everything works. To sum up what we have accomplished: now we got a POCO cat object that has its kitten collection lazy loaded with out it knowing anything about how it's actually done. Only price it has to pay for this feature is to declare Kittens property as virtual, not a big deal :)
Thanks for reading, wonder if this was useful to you?
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P.S. Please note that you don't have to implement lazy loading usually because ORM frameworks such as NHibernate can do that for you. Personally, I'm going to use it for my Repository classes using SharePoint as a datasource.
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